Monday, 12 March 2012

You know you have a minecraft problem when...

I realised that I have a serious problem with minecraft addiction at about 2am this morning, when I woke up, went to the kitchen to get a drink and had a strong urge to place a torch on the countertop to stop creepers from spawning.

Also, I spent two days (people days, not minecraft days) searching the nether for a fortress, because apparently I spawned as far away from one as it is possible to be.

So I drove to my parents house this weekend. Aside from the usual road rage inspired by morons sitting on 90km/h in the 110km/h zone in the fast right lane (I'm looking at you, Lancer drivers) it was a rather smooth trip. My car didn't blow up, which is a relief, because I've still got about AU$2000 worth of work done on the engine, as parts are dying and I'm leaking from about four different place, but she's a trooper, and never lets on that she's a wee bit sick.

I also read The Fault In Our Stars again over the weekend between bouts of minecraft. It still makes me cry like a little bitch one moment and then make me laugh the next.

And on Friday night, for the first time in living memory, declined the offer of alcohol. I think it was the mood that I was in at the time: If one was to say 'deeply unhappy,' they'd be getting pretty close. What brought it on, I'm not sure that I'll ever know. But I didn't think that drinking would be a very good idea. Maybe if I'd been sitting home it would have been, so that I could sleep it off, but I wouldn't wish a drunk and depressed Sharon on any of my friends.

She can be a bit of a handful. </third_person>

I think I may just be lonely.

But that's okay.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." - Oscar Wilde

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